Als neues App im Appstore.
Wieder ein Programm um mit seinen Freunden in Verbindung zu bleiben.
Mit Facebook Anbinung. Sieht nett aus.
Test der Seite:
Friend Locator will make you avoid the common ‘Where are you ?’ question.
With this application, you will be able to locate where are your friends on a map, quickly and easily.
No subscription is necessary ; you will only need to download the application, and add friends by e-mail, nickname or Friend Locator ID (7 digit unique code).
Yes, this is a secure system which localize you only when the application is running – and uses a validation system : you will be able to see only friends you had added to your list, and inversly.
It’s also possible to post your position to your Facebook wall, and add a note. Your friends will never miss you with Friend Locator !
Noch kostenlos, also greifen und schaun ob es in Deutschland was wird.